Have you been involved in a Dallas car accident? If so, you’re not alone. According to a recent study by the RV-rental website Outdoorsy, Dallas was the worst city for car and truck accidents for a 14-year span beginning in 2005.
Outdoorsy used data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to rank U.S. cities by several factors, including vehicle fatalities per 100,000 residents, share of fatal collisions involving drunk drivers, and more.
Drivers in Dallas were 46% more likely to have a collision relative to the national average, and a stunning 42% of the city’s fatal car accidents involved drunk drivers.
Sadly, Dallas wasn’t the only Texas city to make Outdoorsy’s list. Fort Worth took the sixth position, and Houston came in at number eight.
Outdoorsy focused on urban areas, but a higher proportion of fatal car and truck accidents actually took place on the roads running between them. According to the data, rural highways accounted for just 30% of national travel, but 44% of fatal crashes occurred on them.
The study’s data runs only through 2019, but Texas roadways have only become more dangerous in the years since. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, the state’s highway deaths jumped more than 7% between 2019 and 2020, and they rose an astounding 15% between 2020 and 2021—the biggest single-year increase since at least 2003.
If you or a loved one have experienced a Dallas car accident, consider your legal options carefully. One of your first steps is finding a Texas car accident lawyer or firm with a history of significant victories.
The Texas car and truck accident lawyers at the Roach Law Firm have won landmark judgments and settlements totaling billions of dollars. Their victories include a $730 million victory in a Texas truck accident lawsuit. In 2021, it was named the fourth-largest jury verdict in the nation and third-largest in Texas.
Check out this blog post for a few other tips that will help you find a Texas car and truck accident lawyer who will get results.

Nelson J. Roach is a partner at the Roach Law Firm in Daingerfield, Texas. Over the last 30 years, Nelson has represented thousands of clients in many groundbreaking cases. Read more…